Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 12: I HATE NLES (not really).

Ok, maybe not hate. But this year's Latin II NLE exam was so weird. Usually they have about 15 grammar questions, 15 culture questions, and 10 read-a-story-and-answer-questions questions. Today I looked at my question sheet and saw the word "Story" on top. I flipped the paper over, thinking maybe I was accidentally looking at the wrong side. But no, they completely changed the test format by having you answer about ten grammar questions of each sentence to a story.

They also added a map question to the culture asking where Gallia was located. THERE WERE NEVER ANY MAP QUESTIONS IN PREVIOUS TESTS WHY D; So yeah I got that one wrong. The only part that was similar to past exams was the reading and comprehension questions. But still.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, that part threw me for a loop as well. I thought that this change made everything easier, though. Before, everything would be a separate section. The new way put everything in context so you could guess the answer by reading the next question (which I did a lot of :P).
