Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 4: Taekwondo Class!

Today I spent about two hours in my taekwondo class. It was extra special because it was my first class as an orange belt (I got it last week!) and I learned lots of new material that I will have to learn for my next test to become a green belt. We spent the first thirty minutes doing stretches and exercises, and then I learned a new sequence called "Eight Count Number Three" (numbers one and two were learned during white and yellow belt, respectively). We also did some roundhouse kick practice.

After the teenager class, my family, consisting of my dad, brother, and I, did a thirty minute sparring class. In this class we practice sparring basically, for competitions and in real life. As my brother and I were the only kids today, of course I got paired up with him, and trust me, you don't want him as a partner. We're both really aggressive, but when I successful punch or kick him, he will go into some kind of frenzied rage and start tackling and doing illegal moves to me until I collapse onto the ground. Even if I don't hit him he will keep forgetting to do the moves that our master told us to do, and instead just do a free-for-all wrestling thing with me. Oh, well. Boys will be boys.

1 comment:

  1. Haha I love martial arts. I did taekwondo for around 9 years. I actually earned a black belt from a Master Kim and the ceremony for the 4 kids that earned a black belt that year was attended by the Grand Master of our little sect. We felt so special :) After that I went on to do hapkido and grappling (never giving up taekwondo, of course), which were awesome. There were like 5 or 6 of us that got to do hapkido and grappling, my friend Dylan and I being the youngest and smallest, and we got a full 2 hours Saturday mornings. That was so much more fun than any other pass-time I could have. Those were some of the best years of my life. I wish I had found someplace nice to train here. The places were either too far from me or not very good. But, it looks like I will just have to go on missing the thrill I once enjoyed. To be honest, I am slightly jealous of you ;)
