Friday, March 8, 2013

Day 8: Walking home from the bus

I know my last two posts have been on the weather, but the snow today was so gorgeous I couldn't resist writing about it. When I got off my bus and I walked through my driveway, I had a feeling of pure satisfaction as my boots made a single line of footprints leading to my garage. When I finally reached my garage, I looked up and began catching flakes of snow on my tongue- immature elementary school behavior, I know, but I love living in my childhood. Plus, there was almost no snow last year and I needed this enjoyment to compensate for that.

After two minutes of wasting time outside, I looked down. Random prints of my boots scattered throughout the driveway. So much for the perfect line. Smiling, I opened the garage door and entered my house, feeling one of the best moods that I experienced in a while.

1 comment:

  1. There is something beautiful about new snow. There is also something about being one of the first ones to track through it. I'm ready for spring, but your post reminded me of some of the joys of winter.
