Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 18: Playing Outside with my Brother

Today after dinner my brother randomly asked my mom, "Can I play outside?" My mom answered "Yes", so I was dragged outside to play with him. At first I was reluctant (BIO OBJECTIVES!!), but I eventually put on my sneakers and stepped to my garage. It was one of the best thirty minutes I've had for a while.

"So... what do you want to do?" I asked Michael, who is in 6th grade, as I opened the garage door.

"I don't know." He went to the shelves of the garage that had our sports equipment and took out a slightly-deflated basketball.

"It's flat," I pointed out.

He shrugged. "It's good enough. Let's play horse." I followed him outside, and our game ensued. After about twenty minutes, I beat him, HOR to HORSE (If you don't know the scoring, every time you lose a round, you get a letter in your score, and whoever gets HORSE first loses). Being the kinda-sore-loser he was, Michael insisted that the scoring would go up to HORSE_, with a space, just to add an extra letter and give him a better chance to win. I allowed him to do it, because I'm nice like that. Of course, he won from this, but we both knew that I was still considered the victorious one.

Afterwards Michael got out of the other even more deflated basketball and offered to play capture the flag, which basically meant that we both hid our own ball and raced to see who would find the others' first. If we both got stuck, we would give each other riddle-like clues. Usually my brother gets annoyed with my terrible clues. I'm just not as good at improvising things like this on the spot as Michael is. Oh well.

Anyways, believe it or not, this thirty minutes was awesome. Not only did I get fresh air and exercise, but it was a great stress reliever from all the homework and tests and stuff. I also no longer feel tired and have more energy to finish my work quicker and maybe even get more sleep!

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