Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 11: Skypeing with my old friends <3

Sorry there's no title here. Blogger is being a butt.

It's been such a long time since I've seen some of my middle/elementary school friends. A few I've seen a couple of times this school year, but many I haven't seen at all. So occasionally I go on Skype and chat them all in one huge group. I rarely use video/voice chat, because my computer is kinda downstairs and it would be awkward screaming into the computer when the rest of my family can hear me.

Today I spent a total of about 20-25 minutes just chatting miscellaneous things: school, listening to others fangirl, etc. The more I see their typed text on my screen, the more I yearn to see them all in real life and plunge into a gargantuan group hug. I've actually been much more quiet and reserved since I've gone to my magnet high school. This sounds really cliche, but you should see me with my friends. I'm pretty much bouncing off the walls when I'm with them.

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